Testimonials comments and experiences

Improved joint pains

I have breast cancer, was recommended to have immediate breast surgery and lymph node removal. In order to shrink the lump I was put on Exemestane and at the end of 6 months the cancer was undetectable.

The Exemestane aggravated my already arthritic joints but, I was advised to take Yourphyto by my doctor. By 3 months later the arthritis was minimal and has stayed so since. I know coincidence is not proof, but having read a report in which patients with prostate cancer taking this product self reported that their arthritic pain disappeared, I thought I would tell you my own experience.

Since hormone treatment for breast cancer often aggravates arthritic pain I wonder about exploring this experience. Many thanks, I attribute my continuing good health to Yourphyto.

WH May 2024

PSA level lower

I have prostate cancer  managed by active surveillance. This involves MRI scans every year and regular PSA blood tests. Recently my PSA started climbing from 3.9 to 4.6 then 5.9. In September 2023, I was referred to the oncology department and was offered the supplement study of Yourphyto and a white capsule (which was probiotic or placebo). After taking for 4 months my PSA dropped to 4.1 and I got up once at night instead of three times. Obviously I was very pleased and decided to buy Yourphyto and the probiotic, Yourgutplus. Since then, my PSA remained low (4.2). This means I don’t have to go onto radiotherapy especially as my MRI also showed no change. I am very grateful to have been offer this study

PW June 2024